Sunday, March 30, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Yesterday, Ellie was sitting on Jack's lap, looked up at his shirtless chest, touched his chest hari with one finger and said, "Dirty." Funny little beings.

I know that people read this blog and lest you think that every day is just fun and laughter, I'll let the cat out of the bag and officially say that yesterday was one of the worst days with the babies that I can remember since I've been sleeping through the night.

They all acted tired at 8:15am, after waking up at 6:30. Way early for toddlers who have been taking one nap a day for the past couple weeks. So, down for a nap they went. Liam didn't sleep, although he's the one who was basically comatose at breakfast. Ellie slept just 30 minutes and Lily took a nice nap for about an hour. After the nap, the day went downhill.

All day, they all fussed, cried and fought. Even when we were outside and playing, they ran on the lawn whining. No one ate; they dumped everything on the floor. Liam found it unacceptable to be in anyone's arms but mine...all day long. Aaaah, you say. How fun to just hold a baby. Yes, but I have 2 more crankies plus, I have the basic things in life to accomplish, like going to the bathroom, eating, cleaning up after their meals, etc. Difficult to do with a child who won't get out of my lap without screaming and difficult to do while 2 ofther crankies are hitting and pushing in an attmept to also get into my lap.

Acting tired again at 11:30. So, down for nap #2. This schedule was reminiscent of when they were a couple months old. Again, Liam slept for 20 minutes, Ellie not at all and Lily for an hour.
The crankies continued.

Acting tired again at 3:30, plus, there was no way that they'd make it to bedtime without a third nap. Ellie didn't sleep, Liam didn't sleep and I woke up Lily at 5. Bedtime was at 7, mainly for Ellie and Liam who hadn't slept and I thought were for sure tired after spending all their energy whining. No go. All were up til about 8:30 and Liam screamed til 9:30 when I went to bed.

Yes, I do feel guilty for going to bed while my baby was crying. You need to understand that the child was so beyond being tired that me being in there with him would have only stimulated him further. He may be teething, but had plenty of medicine to make him comfortable. You also need to understand that I'd been up with him since 5:20 that morning and by 9:30pm and still hearing him cry, I was just spent. He, along with his sisters, wore me out today. The day was totally off schedule, total chaos and noisy to boot.

Hopefully today will be better. I certainly don't want this blog to be one where I release all of my frustrations, but I do want it to be a real look into parenting triplets. Yes, they are so much fun and I love being with them, but it isn't always pleasant.

Lord, please give me strength for another day. Deep breath.


MaryBeth said...

Oh.... I can totally relate! Our last couple of days have been terrible too. Here's to happier days around the corner for both of us!!

Cadi + 4 said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. It's fun to see other kids the around the same age as mine. We have the same sexes also. They are so very cute! I will try and read more about you all while mine are napping.


Cindy said...

I LOVE your pretty new template!