Wednesday, June 13, 2007

They're Moving!!!

It has been what seems like eternity since I last posted. Yes, eternity is a month when your triplets go from 8 1/2 to 9 1/2 months old.

In the past month, Ellie has gone from rocking on her hands and knees, to pulling herself, to crawling, to pulling herself up on ANYTHING and standing for a while. She gets the best smile on her face when she tackles an object and pulls up with she has conquered the world. She loves to talk and her favorite thing is making a quiet drawn-out sound and gradually getting louder til she is red in the face from yelling. She used to drain an 8 oz. bottle in 7 minutes. Now, she prefers to suck on it, pull it out and study it, talk, check out what Lily and Liam are doing, suck a little more and then want down to play. It has become somewhat difficult to pin her down for the whole bottle.

In the past month, Lily has gone from rocking on her hands and knees, to crawling, to getting into a sitting position by herself. I love walking into their room after a nap and finding her sitting in her crib playing with a toy. Too cute! She is going to be the boss of the group...definitely! What Lily wants, Lily takes. She becomes interested in a toy, but if Ellie or Liam have a toy,s he wants that one. She'll play with it for a second until they pick up another one, then she'll go and take something else from them. Lily often sticks her tongue out and gives a raspberry. While Ellie and Liam may do it because they like the sound they can make, Lily does it with meaning. Lily LOVES the camera and will immediately ham it up when a cell phone camera or a film camera come out. The gummy smile, the cocked head, the goofy grin and the noises. She prefers to have someone hold the bottle in her mouth and lets it drip out of the nipple, rather than actually suck. Oh, the effort involved in that!!! As a result, her feed has been taking upwards of 20 minutes.

In the past month, Liam has gone from learning to sit independently, to rocking on hands and knees, to pulling himself commando-style to get a toy or to get away from one of his sisters. Liam has the sweetest disposition and will whine until someone picks him up. He LOVES being thrown in the air and roughed up a bit. He is extremely ticklish on his upper thighs and will give a full belly giggle. He is a born fish. In water, his facial expressions change and he splashes without fear of water on his face. Baths drench the kitchen with his splashing. He doesn't mind his head going under water. When approached by a sister eager to take his toy, he tries his best to get out of the way, but often gives up his toy and goes in search of an unclaimed one. He is often a climbing object for Ellie and Lily, but as long as they don't pull his hair, eyes, nose, mouth or ears, he is content to help them.

Mom and Dad are doing great with the trio. We look forward to seeing them each morning. Everyday brings something new that they can understand or accomplish. The look in their eyes when they have done something for which they've worked hard, is amazing.

Their one year birthday is coming up and it is unbelievable that a full year has passed. Raising triplets the first year hasn't been the "hell" I was told it would be. It has been one of the best years of my life so far.


1 comment:

MB said...

So glad to read the updates on the kiddos! You have beautiful babies. I'm with you... having triplets seems to have made this first year fly by.